Family, Fun, and Adoption

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Pictures and an Update

New pictures of Merveille! I love the first one. So far it is the only picture we have of him kind of smiling. :)

I am not sure what they are feeding him, but he seems to be enjoying it and from the looks of his pudgy cheeks he can really eat!

Adoption update: We have been waiting for the last two documents from the court and the other day we received them. We have been waiting for those two things for just over four months. The great thing about that is that as of now is he ours. The problem is that there was an error on the paperwork that needs to be fixed in order to file the papers in the United States. Hopefully we will have the corrected papers back very soon. When we file the papers with USCIS we have to send in a form called the I600. A few months ago it was taking about one month to get a clearance letter back from them and now it is taking between 2.5 and 3 months. So, it will still be a few more months until Merveille is home with us, but in the eyes of the DRC Merveille is now my son. That's right, I am officially a mother of three. I have one daughter and now I have TWO sons . I love saying that :) Now I just have to get Merveille home and in my arms.


  1. Hi there :-) My name is Tessy and I saw your link to your blog on the yahoo forum. We are in the very beginning stages of adopting from the DRC as we are just starting our home study. I am looking forward to when I have referral and a picture. I hope you don't mind me following you. What agency are you using?

  2. Hi Tessy! We are using Wasatch and think they are great. Are you working with an agency yet? Good luck with everything! I'm glad you found my blog :)
