Family, Fun, and Adoption

Friday, March 11, 2011

Waiting is hard...

I hate waiting. There, I've said it. This has been a hard week for me. A few months ago we really thought that Merveille would be coming home right about now. We still have no idea when he will be home. Last week we received one piece of paperwork that we need, but we are still waiting for two more very important things from the courts. We can get those papers tomorrow or three months from now. Nobody knows when they will come. After we get those, then we have to file the I600 in the US. That takes 6-8 weeks to be processed. Finally after all of that waiting, we will have an idea of when Merveille can come home. I hate waiting....

Our case worker is wonderful and keeps us up to date with everything, but she has no way of knowing when this paperwork will come in either. We are at the mercy of a court system that is nothing like ours and that does not seem to be sympathetic to all of the children and families that are waiting to be united. I hate waiting...

I think part of the problem I had this week was that we had told a lot of people we thought he would be coming home in March. Sometimes I just need to put the adoption out of my mind for a little while but everytime I go somewhere someone asks if he is home yet. The other day Damen had people stopping by his work to ask if Merveille had come home. These people did not have appointments and they went out of their way, just to check if our son was home. I really appreciate everyone's thoughtfulnes, I really do, but having to keep saying we have no idea when our baby will be home is getting really hard. I hate waiting....

This month will mark seven months since we first received Merveille's referral and picture. He will be 14 months old this month. That means we have known about him for half of his life already, but have not been able to touch him yet. A couple of my friends are pregnant and it is so hard to be completely happy for them. I am jealous. I'm not jealous that they are pregnant, but that they know how much longer it will be until they get to kiss their baby.
I hate waiting...

1 comment:

  1. Many hugs! I hope this time passes quickly for you all.
