Family, Fun, and Adoption

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Eli's Harry Potter Obsession

Eli has recently become obsessed with Harry Potter. He has been listening to the books on CD and has seen all of the movies. On the playground he has been playing Harry Potter and assigns different characters to each of his friends (Eli is of course, Harry Potter). He has been saving his allowance to buy Harry Potter lego sets. He has been running around the house shouting "Flipendo!" while pointing his finger at things and making what I can only guess are wand noises. This was an extremely hot week with today being the hottest. Think 100 degrees with oppressive humidy. I knew we would be spending the day inside after their swimming lessons and with the way that the two of them have been arguing lately I wanted to find something different for the kids to do. I suggested making "the world's longest mural" and both kids were excited. Eli of course suggested making a Harry Potter mural. He talked Nevaeh into it and we began. The kids worked on it for an hour and a half! I was hoping that it would last thirty minutes, but they really got into it. I was the one that ended up having to stop them because we had to get ready to go somewhere.
Eli working on Hogwarts Castle while Nevaeh works on Hagrid's Hut

Eli and Nevaeh standing under "The Wold of Harry Potter" (Eli insisted that he could spell it himself)
Eli pointing out Voldemort and the Dementors that he made
It took up almost the entire length of the living room wall!

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