Family, Fun, and Adoption

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mommy and Nevaeh Spa Day!

I've been telling Damen that I want to take Nevaeh to get our nails done together. As much as she is a tomboy, she is a girly girl, and I knew that she would love it. For Mother's Day they surprised me with a gift certificate for Polka Dots (a spa for little girls.) We went today and we both had a ball. For those of you who live in Connecticut and have a little girl, this was a great place to go.

waiting for it all to begin...

our "champagne" drinks (ginger ale with a fizzy flavor tablet)...

getting her chocolate faical (smelled just like brownie batter)...

enjoying her "champagne"...

showing off our facials...

getting the mud wiped off (apparently it tickeled her)...

soaking her nails (she picked silver polish with gold and blue sparkles...
making sparkly lotion...

showing off her stars...

getting ready to go home after our exciting day...

All of her stuff that she got to take home -lotion, lip gloss, a purse, fairy dust, a change purse, and a penguin.

We had great day and I plan on doing this with her every few months. It was wonderful bonding time and she has had a smile on her face all afternoon. This was a great place to go. They really make it fun for little girls (and Mommy too!).

Blogger seems to be having some issues and kept freezing on me and it would not let me move the pictures around. Sorry that all of the pictures are in a big line and for any big empty spaces and for things that looks out of place. After an hour and a half I decided to post it like it is.


  1. Oh my goodness, this is so cute! =D

  2. I'm so happy I checked your blog! I'm originally from CT, and my mom still lives there - I'm so excited to go back for a visit so I can take my daughter to the spa. It looks really cute, and your daughter looks so excited in the pictures.
