Family, Fun, and Adoption

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Post

Okay, so I am totally new to the blogging world, but figured I would give it a shot. I guess we will start with the basics. I am Catt and my husband and I have two kids. Young Jedi is 5 years old and Princess is 4 years old (names are changed if you haven't guessed LOL). They were both adopted from Ethiopia. We are in the process of adopting a 1 year old named Merveille from the Democratic Republic of Congo. We started the process April of 2010 and had our referral of Merveille on August 17 2010. We hope to have him home in the next few months.
Young Jedi is in afternoon kindergarten and Princess chose to homeschool for preschool this year. She tried traditional preschool but after two months she asked us to homeschool. She's learning a lot and I am having fun teaching her. Life is busy, but we are enjoying it all.

1 comment:

  1. This is a HUGE step!!!! ENDLESS congrats! We are in the process from the DRC too! :) If you could e-mail me at daniellechrisco @ that would be great ! I just had a quick question!

    Blessings and CONGRATS!!!!!!
